拼音:fèn nù de英文解釋:
angry; indignant; raging; wrathful; wroth相關詞條:
1.pissed 2.outrageous 3.wrathy 4.resentful 5.huffy 6.ireful相關對話:
- 那小偷在前面跑,一群憤怒的人在後面緊追。The thief ran off with an angry crowd at his heels.
- 她憤怒的目光足以說明了一切。Her angry glance said everything.
- 何故引起如此憤怒的反應?What occasioned such an angry response?
- 警察面對憤怒的人群只好後撤了。Confronted by an angry crowd the police retreated.
- 運動員們離開賽場時,被憤怒的人群推搡著。The players were jostled by an angry crowd as they left the field.