拼音:fēn mì英文解釋:
excrete; secrete; secretion【醫】 excrete; excretion; secrete; secretion
由生物體內的腺體或細胞產生並釋放某種物質的過程 >>查看“分泌”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- NSE,CgA,Syn在神經內分泌腫瘤診斷中的套用Expression of NSE, CgA and Syn in neuroendocrine tumors
- 胃壁分泌胃液。The wall of the stomach secrete gastric juice.
- 黃芪甲甙對胰島素C肽分泌作用研究Effects of Asl on insulin and C-peptide
- 腎上腺分泌人體的大部分性激素。The adrenals produce a large per cent of a man’s sex hormones
- 您耳朵里有沒有一些分泌物流出?Are there any secretions flowing out of your ear?
- 畢赤酵母分泌表達牛白細胞介素2的機制研究Study on Secretory Expression of Bovine IL2 Gene in Pichia Pastoris
- 能分泌蠟狀物質的各種昆蟲。any of various insects that secrete a waxy substance
- 內分泌內分泌腺特有的分泌過程The process of internal secretion characteristic of endocrine glands.