拼音:fēn liè英文解釋:
dissociate; divide; cleavage; disruption; disunion; fragmentation; schismscission; segment; spallation
【醫】 binary division; cleavage; disintegrate; disintegration; dissociation
schistasis; schisto-; schizo-; scission; scissura; segmentation
spallation; split; splitting
(1) ∶整個事物分開,也指使整體分開分裂國家每對染色體縱向分裂為兩組使黨分裂的... >>查看“分裂”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 財富分配不均會引起社會分裂。Unequal distribution of wealth may cause division in society.
- 意見分歧使該黨分裂成若干集團。Difference of opinion broke the party up into camps.
- 核反應堆是分裂原子的裝置。A nuclear reactor is the apparatus in which atoms are split
- 分裂不定式的用法現在已被廣泛接受。The use of the split infinitive is now generally acceptable.
- 精神分裂症伴TD患者的病人a patient with schizophrenia with tardive dyskinesia (TD)
- 四種染色體的每一種都沿著縱向分裂。Each of four chromosomes divide longitudinally.
- 意見的分歧使這個黨分裂成幾個小派別。Difference of opinion broke up the party into fractions.