拼音:fēn liè 英文解釋:
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按照一項準則分級或分類,尤指以利於制表把詞…分列為數字,以便把答案... >>
查看“分列”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 相關閱讀資料部分列出了本課程全面的參考書目。
A full bibliography is included in the readings section of this course.
- 做廣告用公共布告做廣告或作為計畫的一部分列入計畫表
To advertise or schedule by public notice or as part of a program
- 在英格蘭人們把天橋稱為跨線橋或是空中分列式。
an overpass is called a flyover or a flypast in England.
- 在英格蘭人們把天橋稱為跨線橋或是空中分列式。
an overpass is called a flyover or a flypast in England
- 分列式佇列或隊伍,尤指正在接受檢閱的部隊的佇列
A procession or parade, especially of troops being reviewed
- 分列式佇列或隊伍,尤指正在接受檢閱的部隊的佇列
A procession or parade, especially of troops being reviewed.
- 相關閱讀資料部分列出了本課程全面的參考書目。
A full bibliography is included in the readings section of this course
- 做廣告用公共布告做廣告或作為計畫的一部分列入計畫表
To advertise or schedule by public notice or as part of a program.