拼音:fèn lì 英文解釋:
do all one can; make a long arm; push中文解釋:
奮發用力,振作努力,竭盡全力德奮力向前,戰退 魏延,保 操前行。—&... >>
查看“奮力”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
takeabrace 2.
push 3.
tugg 漢語造句:
- 約翰奮力求勝,但最後失敗了。
John made a brave snatch at victory but failed at last.
- 工程師奮力進行修橋工作。
The engineers set to on repair work to the bridge.
- 1916年二月,法國軍隊在凡爾登奮力抵抗。
In February 1916 the French army made a stand at Verdun.
- 士兵們奮力作戰, 開始占領敵軍陣地。
The soldiers fought hard and began to gain ground.
- 奮力修築穿越山地的高速公路。
Drive a new motorway across a mountain range
- 向我奮力走來,我的孩子。
Win ye the way to me, my children.
- 他們儘管非常疲勞, 但仍奮力前進。
Though they were extremely tired, they still pressed on.
- 將軍們仍奮力控制著流動戰的局勢。
The generals struggled to retain their control over a very fluid battle.