字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>分級的的英文翻譯


拼音:fēn jí de


【計】 hierarchic; hierarchical


  1. COPD患者MRC呼吸困難分級的臨床套用
    Application of MRC Dyspnea Scale in Chinese COPD Patients
  2. 篦條篩用於篩選粉碎的礦石並分級的有孔鐵板或鐵篩
    A perforated iron plate or screen for sieving and grading crushed ore
  3. 體重分級的順序是從48公斤以下直到91分斤以上。
    Weight divisions range from under forty-eight kilos to over ninet-one kilos
  4. 篦條篩用於篩選粉碎的礦石並分級的有孔鐵板或鐵篩
    A perforated iron plate or screen for sieving and grading crushed ore.
  5. 雞蛋是依大小來分級的
    Eggs are classified according to size.
  6. 星形細胞瘤的CT表現與病理分級的探討
    Investigation of CT Apperance and Pathologic Grading of Astrocytoma
