拼音:fēn jí英文解釋:
classify; grade【計】 outline
【化】 classification; fractionation
【經】 grading; scale
按既定標準如大小、功用、顏色對物質的分類 >>查看“分級”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 澳大利亞美利奴羊毛的商業分級與檢測Commercial classification and detection of Australian merino wool
- 成本分口、分級管理departmentalized and decentralized management of cost
- 木材按厚度分級。The timber is graded according to its thickness.
- 2001年度城市區域噪聲污染分級Noise Pollution Levels of Urban Regional Noise Pollution
- 精細分級編碼在H.264視頻編碼中的一種實現Realization of FGS in H.264 Video Coding
- 在一張畫或者畫裡表明輕或者黑的領域的標記分級。graded markings that indicate light or dark areas in a drawing or painting
- ④慢性阻塞性肺疾病分級:Ⅰ級(輕度):第1秒用力呼氣量占預計值的百分比≥70%;④Grade of COPD: Ⅰ(gentle): ratio of FEV1/PV ≥ 70%;
- 篦條篩用於篩選粉碎的礦石並分級的有孔鐵板或鐵篩A perforated iron plate or screen for sieving and grading crushed ore