字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>分紅的英文翻譯 “分紅”的日文翻譯


拼音:fēn hóng


cut a melon; share out bonus
【法】 share in profits


(1) ∶分取紅利(2) (3) 指社員定期分配工分值(4) 集體企業分配盈餘(... >>查看“分紅”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 假如你現在買進,分紅日是可以分紅的。
    If you now average, day of share out bonus can share out bonus.
  2. 分紅;特別指剩餘物資的分發。
    a bonus; something extra (especially a share of a surplus).
  3. 國有企業應該向“政府股東”分紅
    Give bonus to “share-holder of government”
  4. 我們的分紅結構以前是按年資算,現在是按表現算。
    Our bonus structure was based on seniority, but now it’s performance-based.
  5. 一個可以讓工人分紅的計畫提出來了。
    A plan was brought forward to allow workers to share in the profits
  6. 員工分紅配股與認股選擇權之會計處理研究
    Accounting Research on the Employee Stock Bonus and Option
  7. 納稅人:我的收入是按董事費和分紅的形式提取的。
    Taxpayer: I obtain my income in the form of director fees and dividends.
