拼音:fēng xíng 英文解釋:
be in popular; rage
(1) ∶盛行,普遍流行。通常是短時期的習慣、用法或式樣風行一時(2) ∶形容迅... >>
查看“風行”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
comeintowear 相關對話:
- 那本書的確風行一時,可是不久就變得沒有什麼銷路了。
For a while that book was indeed very popular, but it was not long before the demand petered out.
- 別看他快五十歲了,工作卻是雷厲風行。
Though nearly 50, he was exceptionally vigorous in work.
- 也有個雷厲風行的問題啊!
Here too we need resolute and prompt action.
- 美國大眾文化的風行加深了魏瑪文化的混亂。
The fad of America mass culture deepened the chaoses of weimar society.
- 俚語往往很快風行起來又很快不再風行了。
Slang often goes in and out of fashion quickly.
- 目前,讀夜校在中國極為風行。
To attend evening schools is all the fashion now in China.
- 那小帆船順風行駛得很快
The yacht made good progress with a following wind