拼音:fèng quàn英文解釋:
offer an advice中文解釋:
敬辭。鄭重勸說奉勸你放規矩些 >>查看“奉勸”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 在這奉勸一句大概沒什麽不妥吧。A word of advice may not be amiss here.
- 我奉勸多加小心。I'd recommend extreme caution.
- 奉勸貴方勿與之建立貿易關係.There fore we advise you not to enter into any business relations with him.
- 在這奉勸一句大概沒什麽不妥吧。A word of advice may not be amiss here.
- 我奉勸不要過於樂觀.I would caution against undue optimism .
- 他們奉勸政府不要給他發護照出國旅遊。They advised the government not to issue him a passport to travel abroad
- 在這奉勸一句大概沒什麽不妥吧。A word of advice may not be amiss here