拼音:fēng làng 英文解釋:
storm; stormy waves中文解釋:
(1) ∶風和波浪(2) ∶比喻艱險的遭遇久經風浪 >>
查看“風浪”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
windwave 例句:
- 我們橫渡時風浪一定很大。
Storm when we transverse is certainly very big.
- 今天海面風浪很大。
The sea is quite lively today.
- 那隻船正與風浪搏鬥。
The ship is combating the wind and waves.
- 人生猶如一支浮標,任何風浪也無法使它沉沒。
Life is like a buoy, nothing can make it sunk
- 你的童年是平靜還是充滿風浪與傷害?
Was it calm and peaceful or turbulent and traumatic?
- 在大風浪中為船舶引航是很困難的。
It's hard to pilot a vessel in rough weather.
- 比斯開灣風浪形成與航法
Storm and wave form and how to navigate in Biscay bay
- 準備好迎接任何命運的風浪:
With a heart for any fate;