拼音:fēng cún 英文解釋:
seal up for keeping中文解釋:
(1) ∶密封存留封存了一冬的白薯特甜(2) ∶密閉保養,防止損害那批暫時不用的... >>
查看“封存”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
mothball 例句:
- 上述封存好的樣品,我們已經作了安排。至於一級品的袋子,不必送樣品了。
Sealed sample of the above be to be take as arranged, but the bag of the1st class need not be sample.
- 二氧化碳是否能以水合物型態封存于海底?
Is CO2 able to be stored and kept at the sea bottom in the form of hydrate?
- 上述最後一種技術(碳封存)至關重要。
This last technology, carbon sequestration, is of paramount importance.
- 檢驗之後須封存一份復樣。
A duplicate sample shall be sealed after inspection
- 龐培古城如同一粒時間膠囊,保存了歷史上一段被封存了的瞬間。
Pompeii is like a "time capsule" preserving a frozen moment in history
- 罐裝的在罐或壇中保存或封存的
Preserved and sealed in a can or jar