拼音:fēn bù英文解釋:
branch【經】 segment; subsection
(1).謂部署,分派。《史記·平準書》:“數歲,假予產業,使者分部護之,冠蓋相... >>查看“分部”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 一個由幾個分部組成的區域。an area composed of subdivided lots.
- 一家日本公司已與我們接洽,以購買我們的汽車分部。We have have an approach from a japanese company to buy our car division
- 把一張紙放在桌上面上那分部的薄木板上。Lay a sheet of newspaper over the part of the board on the table.
- 我們在英國也有分部。Carmel has offices in Israel and in the UK.
- 他希望公司能將他調到蘇州的分部。He hopes that he will be dispatched to the branch in Suzhou.
- 節植物兩個可分部分的連線,如葉與莖連線處A joint between two separable parts, as a leaf and a stem
- 他希望公司能將到調到蘇州的分部。He hope to be cannibalized to Suzhou subsection of company.
- 政府的行政分部的一個專業行政部門。an agency of the executive branch of government.