fragrance; sweet smell中文解釋:
芬 fēn 花草的香氣:芬芳。清芬。芬香。 筆畫數:7; 部首:艹; 筆順編...>>查看“芬”在國語字典中的解釋
- 花園裡的空氣又溫暖又芬芳。The air in the garden was warm and fragrant.
- 我最喜歡的音樂家是貝多芬。My favorite musician is Beethoven.
- 烏拉爾語族包括芬蘭-烏戈爾和薩莫耶德爾語族的語族A language family that comprises the Finno-Ugric and Samoyedic subfamilies
- 當洛奇到醫院探訪查理時,看到妙芬正在侍奉湯藥,黯然神傷。In the hospital, Rocky leaves when he sees Mildred taking care of Charlie.
- 歐文。伯林的音樂很難與貝多芬的媲美The music of Irving Berlin is scarcely comparable to that of Beethoven
- 貝多芬在四十歲時全聾。By the age of 40, Beethoven was completely deaf.