拼音:fèi zhǐ lǒu英文解釋:
wastebasket【計】 wastebasket
1.scrapbasket 2.wastepaperbasket 3.wastepaper-basket 4.waste-paperbasket相關對話:
- 不要把菸灰倒在廢紙簍里,你會把這幢房子燒起來的。Stop emptying your pipe into the wastepaper basket; you'll set the house on fire.
- 他一氣之下,把她寫來的信揉成一團,扔進了廢紙簍。In his flay, he screwed up her letter and threw it into the wastepaper basket.
- 這些檔案毫無用處,只配扔進廢紙簍里。These documents are useless - they are only wastebasket fodder.
- 女傭拿起菸灰缸,把菸灰倒進廢紙簍。The maid picked up the ashtray and emptied it into a wastepaper basket.
- 她撕碎了信,把它扔在廢紙簍里。She tore up the letter and threw it into the waste basket.
- 她將它投擲進到廢紙簍里。She slung it into the wastepaper basket.
- 找一個儘可能大的廢紙簍並且把這些紙全部扔進去。Find a gigantic wastebasket and fill it up.
- 她把他的信丟進廢紙簍。She consigned his letter to the waste basket.