拼音:fèi zàng 英文解釋:
人和高等動物的呼吸器官。人的肺在胸腔內,左右各一,和支氣管相連 >>
查看“肺臟”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 癌已侵及他的肺臟。
Cancer had affected his lungs.
- 雙峰駝肺臟微血管構築學特徵的研究
Study on Microvasculature of Lung in Bactrian Camel
- 肺臟在老齡大鼠多器官衰竭中的作用
The role of lung in multiple organ failure in aged rats
- 氂牛肺臟管道鑄型解剖學研究
Anatomy of the Lung Pipeline System in the Yak: A Corrosion Cast Study
- 老齡大鼠肺炎雙球菌肺炎肺臟免疫功能變化
Change of lung immune function in aged rats with pneumococcus pneumonia
- 肺臟尤指供食用的牲畜肺臟
The lungs, especially the lungs of an animal slaughtered for food.