拼音:fēi yì英文解釋:
censure; reproach中文解釋:
批評,責難非議詔書。——《漢書·黃霸傳》非... >>查看“非議”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 她說的話容易招致非議。Her words are open to criticism.
- 這種有問題的主張肯定會招致非議。Such a questionable assertion is sure to provoke criticism.
- 我們的這個立場是無可非議的。This stand of ours is beyond reproach.
- 他悍然不顧公眾非議。He flies in the face of public disapproval.
- 這樣的疲軟引得各方非議。There was no hiding the blame.
- 你的話會遭非議。Your statement is liable to exception.
- 拉妮雅艷麗、有頭腦,對出現的些許非議並不畏懼。Rania is glamorous, brainy and not afraid of a little controversy.