字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>飛吻的英文翻譯


拼音:fēi wěn


kiss one's hand to


吻自己的手,再作拋擲給對方狀,以示情愛。《新民晚報》1992.8.26:“她知道... >>查看“飛吻”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 巴特:對,送你飛吻和眨眼。
    Bart: Yeah, Blowing you kisses and winking her eye.
  2. 列車開離車站時,月台上的人不停地向他們的朋友揮手帕,送飛吻
    People on the platform were waving handkerchiefs and blowing kisses to their friends as the train left the station.
  3. 她向旁觀的人群送去一個飛吻
    She blew a kiss to the onlookers.
  4. 她揮動手帕, 給他一個飛吻
    She waved her handkerchief and threw him a kiss
  5. 然後他會給你一個飛吻和小小的敬禮,之後再走開。
    Then he blows you a kiss, gives you a little salute and walks away
  6. 向某人飛吻
    Throw [blow] a kiss at sb
  7. 我點著頭並給他吹去了一個飛吻
    I nodded and blew him a kiss
