拼音:fèi qǐn wàng shí英文解釋:
forget food and sleep中文解釋:
顧不得睡覺,忘記了吃飯。常形容專心致志。 北齊 顏之推 《顏氏家訓·勉學》:... >>查看“廢寢忘食”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 這本小說非常引人入勝,她一口氣讀了下去,甚至廢寢忘食。The novel was so absorbing that she read on without a break even forgetting food and sleep.
- 因為工作繁多,我們廢寢忘食。We can neither eat nor sleep, because we have a lot of work
- 這本書如此有趣,竟使他廢寢忘食。The book is so interesting that it takes complete possession of him.
- 因為工作繁多,我們廢寢忘食。We can neither eat nor sleep, because we have a lot of work.