拼音:fèi qì英文解釋:
waste gas【化】 discharge gas; effluent gases; exhaust gas; gaseous waste; off-gas
spent gas; tail gas
從內燃機或燃氣輪中排出的無用氣體 >>查看“廢氣”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.fluegas 2.endgas 3.exhaustgas 4.exhaustair 5.tailgas 6.dischargegas 7.usedair 8.gasofcombustion 9.gaseouswaste 10.spentair 11.spentgas 12.offgas 13.wastesteam 14.wasteair漢語造句:
- 汽車放出的廢氣在污染我們城市的空氣。Gases from cars are poisoning the air of our cities.
- 廢氣已過視為城市空氣污染的原因。Exhaust gas has been incriminated in air pollution in cities.
- 加裝了防護過濾器以後,這煙囟已不再散發成股的廢氣到大氣中去了。The chimney is no longer giving off volumes of waste gas into the atmosphere, as protective filters are being used.
- 熔鉛鍋含鉛廢氣治理探討Discussion on the Treatment of Waste Gas with Lead from the moltem-lead Pat
- 廢氣仍保持相當的熱量。The exhaust steam retains a considerable amount of heat
- 脈衝電暈法治理甲苯廢氣實驗研究Experimental study on pulsed corona discharge for the removal of toluene
- 第五章 防治廢氣、塵和惡臭污染Chapter V Prevention and Control of Pollution by Waste Gas, Dust and Fetor
- 燃料電池AIP廢氣處理方案優選模型研究Research of optimization model of gas disposal of fuel cell AIP