拼音:féi měi英文解釋:
fat; fertile; luxuriant; plump; rich中文解釋:
(1) ∶肥沃的土地肥美(2) ∶肥壯的;豐滿的 >>查看“肥美”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 水中魚蝦肥美,種類繁多,是野釣的好去處。Abounding in delicious fishes, the lake provides a perfect spot for angling
- 20埃及是肥美的母牛犢;但出於北方的牛來到她身上了。Egypt is a beautiful heifer; A gadfly from the north has come on her
- 9你眷顧地,降下透17雨,使地大得肥美。You care for the land and water it; you enrich it abundantly.
- 20埃及是肥美的母牛犢;但出於北方的牛來到她身上了。Egypt is a beautiful heifer; A gadfly from the north has come on her.