拼音:fēi lún英文解釋:
flywheel【化】 flywheel
(1).驅車飛馳。 晉 葛洪 《抱朴子·交際》:“莫不飛輪兼策,星言假寐。”... >>查看“飛輪”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.flywheel 2.cogfreewheel 3.flyer 4.flier 5.fly 6.balancewheel 7.freewheel漢語造句:
- 錠盤調整手紡車速度的小飛輪A small flywheel that regulates the speed of a spinning wheel.
- 錠盤調整手紡車速度的小飛輪A small flywheel that regulates the speed of a spinning wheel
- 飛輪一種用於減小拐彎時速度變化和每分鐘轉數的粗邊轉輪,如減小機械在運行或裝載中的變化minute, as in a machine subject to fluctuation in drive and load
- 反作用飛輪電模擬器設計與套用Design and Application of Reaction Wheel Elec-Simulator Device
- 雙質量飛輪-周向短彈簧型扭振減振器彈性特性設計原理及性能分析The Design Principles and Performa nce Analysis of DMF-CSS Torsional Damper
- N485柴油機飛輪殼消失模鑄造工藝Wheel Housing of N485 Diesel Engine in EPC
- DU1250/1600壓力機飛輪現場平衡方法研究Research of Balancing on the Spot for Model DU1250/1600 Press Flywheel
- 飛輪殼凸台成形模設計Design of the Die for Forming the Boss of the Flywheel Shell