拼音:féi gǔ英文解釋:
fibula【醫】 calf bone; calf-bone; canna minor; fibula; fistula cruris
focile minus cruris; paracnemis; perone; splint-bone
指下肢膝以下的兩塊骨中後側的常常是較小的那塊骨 >>查看“腓骨”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.paracnemis 2.paracnemidon 3.peronealbone 4.paracenemidion 5.perone 6.calfbone例句:
- 腓骨上段也有壓痛。There is also tender pain in the upper section of the fibula.
- 腓骨的,腓側的腓骨的或小腿外側部位的,或與之相關的Of or relating to the fibula or to the outer portion of the leg.
- 檢查後確定是腓骨骨折。The result, tests later showed, was a fractured fibula