拼音:fēi fán de英文翻譯
extraordinary; divine; exuberant; outstanding; supernormal; surpassing相關詞條:
1.prodigy 2.surpassing 3.remarkable 4.extraordinaire 5.supernormal 6.singular 7.swell 8.out-of-the-way 9.uncommon 10.prodigious 11.smash 12.wizard 13.crashing 14.outthecommon 15.rousing 16.wonder例句:
- 少年得志因早年具有非凡的才智和能力而獲得極大成功或受到稱讚的人A person of remarkable talent or ability who achieves great success or acclaim at an early age.
- 他生病的整個階段都表現出非凡的忍耐力。He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness.
- 他在面對危險的時候表現出非凡的勇氣。He showed remarkable courage when he faced the danger.
- 但人類在積累知識方面已經取得了非凡的進步。Extraordinary progress in the accumulation of knowledge.