拼音:fēi fǎ英文翻譯
【法】 illegality; illegitmacy; unlawfulness
1.lawlessness 2.
illegality 例句:
- 他受妻子慫恿進行這些非法活動。
He was abetted in these illegal activities by his wife.
- 這個 * 把所有反對他的活動均視為非法加以鎮壓。
The dictator represses all opposition as illegal.
- 我們被指控非法攜帶貨物入境。
We were alleged to have brought goods into the country illegally.
- 非法移民獲得必要的居留證後即可使身分合法。
Illegal immigrants can regularize their position by obtaining the necessary residence permit.
- 該珠寶公司不過是進行非法的鑽石交易的幌子。
The jewellery firm is just a front for their illegal trade in diamonds.
- 所有的抗議活動都遭到當局的野蠻鎮壓,並被宣布為非法。
All protests are brutally repressed by the government as illegal.
- 他承認他是非法移民。
He admitted that he was an illegal immigrant.
非法的意思 不合法非法手段非法的行為詳細解釋.違反法律。《商君書·定分》:“吏明知民知法令也,故吏
不敢以非法遇民。”《北史·孫騰傳》:“非法專恣, 騰 為甚焉。” 明 顧起元 《客座贅語·三宜恤》:“向有議裁