- 我來聽聽你們有關化肥的報盤。
I came to hear about your fertilizer offer.
- 水稻使用氮肥的成本是什麼?
What is the cost of using nitrogen fertilizer on a rice crop
- 運動是減肥的可靠辦法。
Exercise is a sure way of losing weight
- 硼肥的效果是硼砂(0.2%)>硼砂(0.3%)。
The effect of borax ordered in 0.2%>0.3%.
- 鹹肉中有幾層肥的和幾層瘦的。
Bacon has streaks of fat and streaks of lean
- 施肥,肥沃化施肥的行動或過程
The act or process of applying a fertilizer.
- 在美國開發義大利移民用以自肥的僱主。
an employer who exploits Italian immigrants in the U.S..
- 為達到出售目的而把牲畜養肥的地方。
a building where livestock are fattened for market