fat; large; loose; rich【醫】 pachy-
肥 féi 含脂肪多的,與“瘦”相對:肥肉。肥胖。肥缺(指收入多的官職)。肥碩...>>查看“肥”在國語字典中的解釋
- 他在一家房地產公司找到了一個工作, 那真是一份肥缺。He got a job with a real estate firm and it was a real bit of fat
- 我們需要在浴室里放一塊肥皂。We need a bar of soap in the bathroom.
- 醫生要他按規定進食來減肥。The doctor ordered him to go on a diet to lose weight
- 沖洗掉肥皂沬或殘存泥垢。wash off soap or remaining dirt.
- 這麵包有肥皂味This bread has a soapy taste
- 長肥長胖或長得更胖To grow fat or fatter.
- 他洗襯衫時,連胳膊肘都弄上了肥皂泡沫。He is up to his elbow in soapsuds, while washing his shirt.
- 那隻黑豬是它們中最肥的一隻。That the only black pig is one of the most fertile among them.