拼音:fā zǐ英文解釋:
- 時間拖得太久了,耐心的人也會氣得臉色發紫。The delay was enough to make a patient man go purple in the face.
- 16我的臉、因哭泣發紫、在我的眼皮上有死蔭。"I have sewed sackcloth over my skin and buried my brow in the dust.
- 你的嘴唇好象凍得發紫了。Your lips seem to become blue with cold.
- 在高山上,他們凍得手都發紫了。High on the mountain, their hands became blue with cold.
- 他氣得臉色發紫, 十分難看.His face turned an unnatural shade of purple
- 天氣冰冷,足以凍得人臉色發紫。It was icy cold-enough to turn you blue in the face.