拼音:fā zhān英文解釋:
gum; pastiness【醫】 clamminess
- 我的口腔發粘。My mouth is sticky.
- 我的口腔內發粘,有口臭。I have a sticky mouth and bad breath
- 必須讓膠水發粘。The solution must be allowed to become tacky.
- 我的口腔內發粘,有口臭。I have a sticky mouth and bad breath.
- 我的頭發粘在一起了。My hair matted together.
- 發粘變得發粘或易粘牢的To become sticky or clogged.
- 在內胎上塗抹膠水並讓它發粘。Apply solution to the tube and allow to become tacky.