拼音:fā yù bù liáng 英文解釋:
【醫】 cacoepy; dysplasia; maldevelopment例句:
- 髖臼發育不良髖臼緣生物力學測定
Biomechamics determination of acetabulum edge for acetabular dysplasia
- 摘要濕害能使作物發育不良,衰老加速。
Waterlog harmness can retard the growth of crops and speed senescence.
- 三維CT對小兒髖關節發育不良中髖臼形態的分析
3D CT Analysis of Acetabulum Morphology in Developmental Dysplasia of Hip
- 他發育不良,身材長得矮小。
He had a small stunted body
- 超聲檢查在發育性髖關節發育不良診斷和治療中的意義
The role of ultrasonography in diagnosis and management of DDH
- 掐掉植物上發育不良的芽
Pinch out the weak shoots on a plant
- 與發育不良有關或有發育不良的明顯特徵。
relating to or evidencing dysplasia.
- Bernese手術治療先天性髖臼發育不良
Bernese Osteotomy for the Treatment of Congenital Acetabular Dysplasia