拼音:fǎ yuàn de 英文解釋:
forensic; judiciary; juridic; juridical相關詞條:
judicial 相關對話:
- 判決法庭的判決,尤其指對已判決有罪的人加以處罰的法院的刑罰決定
A court judgment, especially a judicial decision of the punishment to be inflicted on one adjudged guilty.
- 保證審判公正的這種需要,影響著法院的所有判決。
The need to see that justice is done impinges on every decision made in the courts.
- 主持最高法院的法官。
the judge who presides over a supreme court
- 在該法院的管轄權範圍內。
Within the jurisdiction of the court.
- 那荒唐可笑的審判是對都柏林法院的諷刺性的模仿。
The absurd trial is a send-up of the Dublin courts
- 所有公民都應有獲得訴諸法院的權利。
Access to the court shall be opened to all citizen.
- 法院的判決是三年徒刑。
The sentence of court was three years imprisonment.