拼音:fǎ yī xué英文解釋:
medical jurisprudence【醫】 forensic medicine; legal medicine; medical jurisprudence
醫學的一個分科,研究並解決法律案件中有關醫學的問題,如創傷或死亡的原因等。 >>查看“法醫學”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.forensicmedicine 2.legalmedicine 3.medicaljuris 4.prudence例句:
- 法醫學物證檢驗forensic medical examination of material evidence
- ABO基因型檢驗及其法醫學套用研究The study and application on genotype of the ABO blood groups
- 法醫學術語a medicolegal term
- 同時 ,通過法醫學實例介紹了該模型的套用。The practice of this model was introduced by forensic medici examples.
- 76例113耳的耳蝸電圖及聽性腦幹反應的法醫學鑑定MEDICOLEGAL INVESTIGATION ON EcochG AND ABR OF 113 EARS IN 76 CASES
- 2、在與法醫學相關的主體領域經歷過專門的訓練;Specialized training in the subject area as it relates to forensic science;
- 法醫學的屬於或關於醫學和法律兩者的Of, relating to, or concerned with medicine and law.
- 法醫學是一個發展中的產業。Forensic science is a growth industry