拼音:fā wèn英文解釋:
ask a question【法】 question
口頭向人提出問題 >>查看“發問”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 世界發問聯想未來World Focus on New Lenovo
- 當時沒有人敢向大哲學家亞里士多德發問。A At that time no one dared to question the great philosopher Aristotle
- 你可以這樣發問:“我能和你作一次非正式的談話嗎?”Begin by asking, “Can I have a discussion with you off the record"
- 他一個問題接一個問題地向我發問。He shot one question after another at me.
- 當BI向湯姆發問時,湯姆火冒三丈。But Tom was wild as blazes when B I asked him
- 她談的是計算機軟體的開發問題。Her talk ran on developments in computer software.
- 一連串的發問a running fire of questions
- 當B.I.向湯姆發問時,湯姆火冒三丈。But Tom was wild as blazes when B. I. asked him.