拼音:fá wèi de 英文解釋:
dull; insipid; unattractive; bland; drab; poor; stuffy; tasteless漢語造句:
- 沒有了愛的語言,所有的文字都是乏味的。
Every character will be lifeless without the nourishing language of love.
- 大量單調乏味的細節掩蓋了主要論點。
The main argument is submerged in a mass of tedious detail.
- 平庸的作品冗長,單調,令人感到乏味的作品
Tedious, monotonous, or uninteresting work of any kind.
- 他的小說有非常枯燥乏味的傾向。
His novels tend to be very samey.
- 一本乏味的書
a stodgy book
- 市長向女王背誦了一篇冗長且乏味的歡迎詞。
The Mayor recited to the Queen a long and tedious speech of welcome
- 乏味的、沒完沒了的重複性工作
a boring and endlessly repetitive task
- 他怎么能做這么沉悶乏味的演講。
How can he give us such a tedious lecture