- 馬杜克——伊娜娜又一次突然發生衝突。
The Marduk-Inanna conflict flares up again.
- 他們諸位都意志堅定,有時難免發生衝突
5 They each had a strong will and those wills sometimes clash
- 她說,不願與人發生衝突的人時間長了會讓人怨恨。
Nonconfrontational people will nurse a grudge, she says
- 兩國的利益發生衝突。
The interests of the two countries collide.
- 兩國利益發生衝突。
The interest of the two countries collide.
- 如果我七月初離開,會和瑪麗發生衝突嗎?
Will I clash with Mary if I go off at the beginning of July?
- 人們之間發生衝突的狀態。
a state of conflict between persons
- 人們之間發生衝突的狀態。
a state of conflict between persons.