拼音:fā sàn de英文解釋:
emanative【計】 diverging
- 發散的無極限的,沒有收斂的Failing to approach a limit; not convergent
- 發散管用於蒸發或發散的器官,如蛤的發散水管An organ, such as the siphon of a clam, that is used for exhalation.
- 通過發散的熱弄熟(例如在烤肉架上)。cooked by radiant heat (as over a grill)
- 發散管用於蒸發或發散的器官,如蛤的發散水管An organ, such as the siphon of a clam, that is used for exhalation
- “發散的蛛網”及其遏制The Diffuse Cobweb and the Containment on it