拼音:fàn zuì xiàn cháng英文解釋:
【法】 crime scene; scene of crime相關詞條:
1.thesceneofthecrime 2.crimescence中英例句:
- 根據證人證詞所示,案發時你在犯罪現場。According to the witness's testimony, you were present when the crime was committed.
- 在犯罪現場附近的人無不受到懷疑。Nobody who was near the scene of the crime is above suspicion.
- 所有疑犯都有在搶劫案發當天不在犯罪現場的充足證明。The suspects all had good alibis for the day of the robbery.
- 那個不在犯罪現場的偽證使警方失去了線索。The false alibi threw the police off the scent.