拼音:fàn zǐ英文解釋:
dealer; monger中文解釋:
以倒買倒賣牟利為生的人 >>查看“販子”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.monging 2.traffic 3.mongersforsale相關對話:
- 他是個黑奴販子。He was a dealer in black flesh.
- 農夫本來不打算賣他的小馬,但馬販子將幾百無錢賽到他的手中,他便同意了。The farmer did not wish to sell his fine colt, but when the horse dealer tickled his palm with a few hundred dollars, he consented.
- 他是個毒品販子[賊贓販子]。He's a dealer in drugs/stolen goods.
- 他是個毒品販子。He is a drug peddler
- 這條街是一個毒品販子的主要聚集處。This street is a major hangout for junkies
- 毒品販子a dope peddler
- 受騙:我被車販子騙了。Fraud : "I got Fucked by the car dealer."
- 奴隸販子的殘忍是說不完的。The cruelty of the slave traders knew no bounds.