拼音:fǎn yǔ 英文解釋:
(1).即反切。 北齊 顏之推 《顏氏家訓·書證》:“且 鄭玄 以前,全不解... >>
查看“反語”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 他常常違反語法規則。
He often offends against the rules of grammar.
- 自亞里斯多德以來,比之對隱喻的研究,人們對反語的研究很少。
Since Aristotle, more research has been done on metaphor than on irony.
- 本文還結合實例分析了反語的語用功能。
It also analyzes the pragmatic functions of irony.
- 反語者明顯使用反語的人,特別指作家
A notable user of irony, especially a writer
- 反語者明顯使用反語的人,特別指作家
A notable user of irony, especially a writer.
- 年青有為(有時用作反語)
a young hopeful
- 摘要反語是一種常用的修辭格。
Irony is an often used figure of speech.
- 反語法把愚蠢的辦法稱為“聰明”
the irony of calling a stupid plan "clever"