拼音:fǎn yìng英文解釋:
reflect; mirror; render; report【化】 reflection
(1) ∶反照。比喻表現出客觀事物的本質(2) ∶把情況、意見等告訴上級及有關部... >>查看“反映”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 反映看到被反射,如在鏡中To see reflected, as in a mirror.
- 隨時準備做出反映的一種狀態。a state of readiness to respond.
- 隨時準備做出反映的一種狀態。a state of readiness to respond
- 政策的穩定反映了黨的穩定。The stability of or policies reflects the stability of the Party.
- 一個民族之語言常反映其特性。The language of a people often reflects its characteristics
- 象鏡子反映出的影像或有鏡中影像特點。like or characteristic of a mirrored image
- 幻象非真實或不現實的事情在腦海中的反映A mental picture of something not real or present
- 那青年能言善辯,充分反映他思想敏銳。he argued with great acuteness; I admired the keenness of his mind.