拼音:fán yǎn 英文解釋:
繁殖衍生;逐漸增多繁衍後代即有丁男繁衍之族。——清&mi... >>
查看“繁衍”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 我已經祝福了他,使他多子多孫,使他的後代繁衍興旺。他會成為十二個王子之父,我要使他身後形成一個大邦。
I will multiply his descendants; he shall be father of twelve princes, and I will raise a great nation from him.
- 你要永遠在我面前生活並做個完美的人,這樣我就可以和你立約,使你的後代繁衍興旺。
Live always in my presence and be perfect, so that I may set my covenant between myself and you and multiply your descendants.
- 既然這樣,延長壽命就要重於繁衍後代。
In this case, prolongation of life should trump reproduction.
- 愛情是一種以美作媒介的繁衍欲望。
Love is an appetite of generation by the mediation of beauty.
- 由共同的祖先繁衍而來的人。
people descended from a common ancestor
- 正是希望維持著人類的繁衍。
It is hope which maintains most of mankind.
- 我們可以看到一些稀有的瀕臨滅絕的物種在這裡繁衍生息。
We can see a number of rare and endangered species breeding here