字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>反擊的英文翻譯 “反擊”的日文翻譯


拼音:fǎn jī


beat back; counterattack; countercharge; retort; strike back
【醫】 back stroke


(1) (2) 回擊用報紙廣告來反擊(3) 打擊進攻的敵人自衛反擊 >>查看“反擊”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 敵人的反擊對我們來說不成問題。
    Yuke Squadron We can handle the enemy counterattack.
  2. 中印邊境自衛反擊
    Counterattack in Self-Defence on China-India Border
  3. 他張嘴開始進行刻薄的反擊
    He opened his mouth to make a caustic retort.
  4. 在吸血鬼的可怕攻擊面前,根本不可能反擊。(吸血鬼曰:我們的目標是——沒有蛀牙!)
    I have seen dying Vampire Lords reborn in the blood of fallen enemies.
  5. 他難道無權反擊嗎?
    Is he not entitled to hit back?
  6. 它表示一個防守反擊的策略對你來說可能是最好的。
    It means a counter attacking ploy of your own may be best
  7. 每當有人消遣他時,約翰總是能想出巧妙的反擊
    John can always think of a good comeback whenever someone teases him
  8. 他張嘴開始進行刻薄的反擊
    He opened his mouth to make a caustic retort
