拼音:fàng xuè英文解釋:
depletion; exsanguinate; phlebotomy; venesection【醫】 bloodletting; exsanguinate; F. vs.; haemospasia; hemospasia; Mitt.
將血液由血管中抽出或流出 >>查看“放血”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.venesection 2.exsanguination中英例句:
- 古時,醫生碰到病人患各種熱病時,總是給病人放血。In olden times, in the case of fevers, the physician always let blood from the patient.
- 從前醫生常常給病人放血。Doctors used to bleed people when they were ill.
- 這頭豬放血開膛後的重量是原來重量的百分之七十。The pig dressed out to 70 percent of its weight.
- 當人發燒時醫生過去曾給他們放血。Doctors used to let blood when people got fever .
- 放血放血,靜脈切開放血,作為測量治療效果的一個方法The removal of blood, usually from a vein, as a therapeutic measure.
- 過去醫生以放血來降低輕熱度。Doctor used to let blood from people to lessen a fever