拼音:fǎng xiào 英文解釋:
be imitative of; follow the example of; imitate
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查看“仿效”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 在劇本中仿效某種聲音的效果。
an effect that imitates a sound called for in the script of a play
- 他仿效畢卡索的風格畫畫。
He paints in the fashion of Picasso.
- 仿效早期時尚的流行風潮
A fashion that is an echo of an earlier style
- 這首歌仿效一首著名的詠嘆調。
This song takes off from a famous aria
- 我們應該仿效他的優點,不要仿效他的短處。
We shouldcopyhis good points, not his bad points
- 詹森先生仿效鄰居們的做法猛加房租。
Mr Johnson screwed up his rents as his neighbours are doing.
- 她的構想是仿效我的。
Her idea is patterned on mine.