拼音:fān gǔn 英文解釋:
roll; thresh; toss; tumble; welter; writhe中文解釋:
(1) ∶ 上下滾動波浪翻滾(2) ∶打滾孩子們不是在草里翻滾,就是在小河裡玩水... >>
查看“翻滾”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 不停地劃啊翻滾的槳手們我們唯一的終點只有西方的海岸!
On we sweep with threshing oar, Our only goal will be the western shore.
- 以巨大、翻滾的波浪或者洶湧為特點。
characterized by great swelling waves or surges.
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- 有時我會到沙坑裡在沙里翻滾取樂。
Sometimes I go to the gravel pit and roll around in the sand.
- 波浪涌動或翻滾
To surge or roll in billows.
- 翻騰膨脹或翻滾;翻騰
To swell or surge forth; billow.
- 亞瑟鄧特的身體迴旋翻滾著。
The body of Arthur Dent span.
- 麥浪翻滾
a rolling sea of wheat