拼音:fàng sì英文翻譯
impudicity; presumption; run wild; unbridled; wanton【法】 riot
1.license 2.haveanerve 3.laxativeness 4.rage 5.ranwild 6.chutzpah 7.licentiousness例句:
- 她竟敢說我作弊,太放肆了。She had the nerve to say I was cheating.
- 魯莽的粗魯的且不敬的;放肆的Rude and disrespectful; impudent.
- 魯莽,放肆的小孩A bold, impudent child.
- 你這樣放肆,我已經受夠了!I've had enough of your impudence!
- 那些部隊進入敵人領土所表現出來的放肆令人厭惡。The license shown by the troops when they entered enemy territory disgusted everyone.