拼音:fàng kāi 英文解釋:
let go; let go hold of; unlock; unloose中文解釋:
(1).棄置一邊,捨棄。 宋 劉過 《送王東鄉歸天台》詩之二:“放開筆下閒風月... >>
查看“放開”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
unloosen 2.
unlock 3.
unclinch 4.
letgoholdof 5.
letgo(of) 6.
turnloose 7.
unloose 8.
letgoof... 9.
leavelooseof 中英例句:
- 放開我,你這可惡的傢伙!
Let go of me, you vicious monster!
- `放開我!'他緊張地尖聲嚷道。
`Let go of me!' he squeaked nervously.
- 她放開離合器,汽車就動了。
She release the clutch and the car begin to move.
- 把狗放開,它已被拴了幾個鐘頭了。
Release the dog. He has been chained up for hours.
- 放開我,你這老色鬼!
Let go, you randy old goat!
- 那女孩放開她爸爸的手時,摔倒了。
When the girl let go her father's hand, she fell down.