拼音:fáng hóng 英文解釋:
prevent or control flood中文解釋:
使用堤、牆、水庫、泄洪道及其他手段防備洪水成災 >>
查看“防洪”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
floodprevention 2.
floodcontrol 3.
floodprotection 4.
floodcontrol 5.
floodprotecting 6.
floodproofing 漢語造句:
- 該鎮未採取適當的防洪措施,現在吃到了苦頭。
The town is now counting the cost of its failure to provide adequate flood protection.
- 淮河防洪
flood control of Huaihe River
- 防洪堤沿海濱或岸邊修建的保護某塊區域免遭洪水的堤壩
A wall built along a shore or bank to protect an area from floods.
- 我們將加寬河床以防洪水。
We shall have to widen out the river bed to avoid flooding.
- 時變效應對大壩防洪風險率的影響研究
Influence of time-varying effect on flood control risk rate for dams
- 人類的防洪減災實踐與人地關係論
Man’s Flood prevent Practice and the Theories of Man land Relationship