拼音:fāng gé英文解釋:
pane【電】 box
(1).方正而有標格。《後漢書·傅燮傳》:“帝從 燮 議。由是朝廷重其方格,每... >>查看“方格”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.quadrilled 2.gridironpattern 3.chessboardsquares中英例句:
- 先用尺在紙上劃出方格,這樣你就能把圖精確地摹繪下來了。Square the page off with your ruler, then you'll be able to copy the drawing accurately.
- 用尺在這頁紙上打上方格。Square the page off with your ruler.
- Ⅱ級建築方格網的布設The Layout of Grade Ⅱ Construction Grid Network
- 這張圖裁切不正成了方格式。This picture is cropped to a square format.
- 以方格標記在…上標上格子或方框圖案To mark with a checked or squared pattern.
- 請在適合的方格上加"P"Please put a tick in the appropriate space
- 條格平布一種染織的棉布織物,織成條紋、方格、格子或緊密的顏色A yarn-dyed cotton fabric woven in stripes, checks, plaids, or solid colors