拼音:fáng dōng英文翻譯
landlord; the owner of the house one lives in【經】 landlord
- 房東正在逼她搬家。The landlord's putting the screws on to get her out of the house.
- 我們的律師勸告不要起訴房東。Our lawyer have advise against suing the landlord.
- 我的房東讓我月底搬走。My landlord is turning me out at the end of the month.
- 經勸說,他們簽署了放棄向房東索賠的權利。They were persuaded to sign a waiver of claims against the landlord.
- 我得付給房東500英鎊押金才能搬進房裡去。I had to pay a 500 deposit to the landlord before I could move into the house.